Looks for phone numbers in pages and makes hyperlinks out of them. When clicking on the link, your Skype will ring and be dialing the number / link you clicked on. Works for all of these patterns:
800-555-1212, (800) 555-1212, (800)555-1212, 800-555-1212, 800-555-1212, 800 555 1212, 800.555.1212, 800/555/1212, 8005551212, +1 (number), + (international number)
Yes, when it works the above will become: 800-555-1212, (800) 555-1212, (800)555-1212, 800-555-1212, 800-555-1212, 800 555 1212, 800.555.1212, 800/555/1212, 8005551212...
Area code is needed and call to US and Canada by default. SkypeOut from US or Canada for free at least till the end of 2006. Skype to another country by changing defaultPrefix but it is not free.Skype Web Toolbar (http://www.skype.com/download/skypewebtoolbar) has similar function but makes all websites load much slower. This script makes perceivable delays only when loading lengthy javascript pages, say Gmail all contacts list, but you can choose to disable it at that moment.
Nice script!! It works very well and it's very useful! Thanks for making it. Here are a few issues/suggestions ;
- There seems to be an empty space before the number in the links. Can that be removed? The links still works fine, but when a link is underlined, there is a space underlined before the number itself.
- Skype is able to dial number with letters. In skype, in the number box, we can enter 1-888-CALLME2 and skype will dial the number accordingly. Could you script also turn those phone numbers into link ?
- It's annoying that non phone numbers sequences of numbers are also converted. Of course, the script can't know whether it's a phone number or not, but could you add a filter based on whether or not there are spaces before and after the number? A good example is with IPS. The following IP would be converted: "98154104" shows up as a link. If you add a filter that looks whether or not there is a space before the number, the number wouldn't be linkified ...
When i change the file type setting of the callto URL handler in windows explorer i can also use this script in combination with a softphone. But would is also be possible to modify the script so that behind the telephone number @domain.com is added? My softphone only works when this is added behind the number...
Hi Boris,
I have trouble with a page where the skype linkify script will not work, could you please contact me at: d.spaan@gmail.com ?
I am trying to get Linkify to work with gmail. The script works with firefox as it works with my other applications. It just doesn't seem to work with GMAIL. I was hoping to consolidate my contacts with gmail and use the callto: link with skype for making return calls.
Any ideas on how to make this work?
This script looks really great! The only problem is that it doesn't seem to work for phone numbers found on google maps, which is one of the places that its most important. Do you know why?
Interestingly, it works on "text view" but not on "map view"... Would be great for it to work in Map View. Thanks very much for your work on this script!
Doesn't work in gmail or google maps which is exactly where it would be most useful. Any updates on the way?
It opens skype but doesn't enter or ring the number. any suggestions? skype version 3.8
your template displayed incorrectly in my browser(chrome)
Well I to but I think the collection should prepare more info then it has.
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